In een oogopslag
- Live and work in Romania with students your own age, and explore the country and culture while our staff keep you safe.
- Work with local teachers and caregivers to teach English help young kids learn through play.
- Lend a hand in the community through activities like painting classrooms and building gardens.
Is volunteer work with children in Romania for teenagers right for me?
This project is perfect for you and other teenagers who enjoy working with children. You’ll get to put your energy and enthusiasm to good use. It is also great if you want to incorporate volunteer work with supervised travel.
During this project, you’ll learn more about childcare and the importance of learning through play. This is especially valuable if you’re planning to study teaching or work with children in the future. You’ll also learn personal skills like teamwork and leadership, which are strong additions to your CV.
This High School Special runs over fixed dates during the summer. Our staff accompany the group throughout your stay so if you need help, they’ll be there to guide you. They’ll plan and join you on all social activities and weekend trips to ensure you get the most out of your experience.

What will I be doing during my project in Romania?
In Romania, you’ll work with children at kindergartens and care centres in that can do with some extra support. You’ll be asked to:
- Teach English classes to improve kids’ language skills
- Run fun, educational activities that encourage the children to learn through play
- Assist with light renovation work
- Learn about Romanian culture and traditions alongside other high school students
Here are the activities you’ll be involved in:
Teach English classes to improve kids’ language skills
English is an important skill in today’s world. Since the teachers we work with aren’t native English speakers, you’ll be able to provide them with extra support during English lessons. You can help teach the ABCs and basic words and phrases.
You can talk to the class in English and give the children the opportunity to imitate the way you pronounce words and phrases. You can also play games, sing songs, and read books with pictures to enhance their learning.
Run fun, educational activities that encourage the children to learn through play
Children learn better when they enjoy what they are learning. This is why you’ll focus your attention on classroom activities that are fun and memorable. You can:
- Promote creativity, and teach colours and shapes through arts and crafts lessons
- Teach ball skills, balance, and teamwork through sports
- Run drama classes to improve confidence, coordination, and social skills
Assist with light renovation work to improve the kindergarten or care centre
Part of your project work will involve improvements to your placement. Depending on the placement needs, you might add a new coat of paint to the classrooms or design education wall murals like ABCs and 123s. You may even find yourself getting your hands dirty building a garden.
Learn about Romanian culture and traditions alongside other high school students
This project is focused on giving back to the community. However, learning about a whole new country and their culture is also a big part. Your supervisor has everything planned for you. They will supervise you on social activities and manage your itinerary so you and the other teens get to experience as much as possible during your time abroad.
There is also plenty of time for you to get to know your fellow volunteers including nights at your host family, social events, bus rides and more.
Where in Romania will I work?
Your Childcare volunteer work in Romania will be based in the city of Brasov. At first glance, the city has a picturesque charm that you’ll fall in love with. With its cobbled streets and terracotta roofs overhead, it feels like you’re walking through a fairy tale. But there is still plenty of hustle and bustle in the city including open markets and side street cafes.
You’ll spend most of your day working at kindergartens or day care centres under the guidance of your project supervisor. You’ll assist caregivers and local teachers who are in desperate need of classroom support.
There is also plenty to see within Brasov and the Transylvania region. Your supervisor will include plenty in your project itinerary. So when you aren’t volunteering, you’ll get to explore with the other high school students. You’ll hike through the Tampa Mountains and visit Count Dracula’s castle!
What are the aims and impacts of childcare volunteering in Romania for teenagers?
The aim of this project is to support the education of young children at disadvantaged kindergartens and daycare centres. During your project, you’ll assist local teachers by preparing lessons and activities that encourage the children to learn through play.
Many of these centres and kindergartens are often overcrowded. This means that caregivers and teachers are unable to divide their time equally among students. Because of this, some students struggle to keep up in class and end up falling behind in their learning.
English has also become a vital skill in today’s world. By encouraging students to learn English at a young age, there will be many more job opportunities available to them later in life. With your help, they children can practice their English language skills and take part in new, fun activities that promote learning and education.
Support the development of young children through community volunteering with teenagers in Romania.

Management plans
We hebben onze doelen en belangen van onze projecten uitgeschreven in onze Management Plans. Op deze manier kunnen we uitgebreid plannen welk werk moet gebeuren op elk project. Het helpt ook om het werk te meten en te evalueren wat we elk jaar bereikt hebben.
Het is uiteindelijk de bedoeling dat onze Management Plans de projecten effectiever maken. Je gaat daardoor deel uitmaken van een duurzaam project dat impact heeft waar het echt nodig is. Lees meer over onze Management Plans.
Onze impact
Elk jaar helpen duizenden jongeren en stagiaires om een verschil te maken over de hele wereld. Tijdens hun ervaring in het buitenland dragen ze bij tot de duurzame doelstellingen die we elk jaar vooropstellen, met de bedoeling om een duurzame impact te maken op de gemeenschappen.
Om alle verwezenlijkingen te verzamelen, ontwikkelen we elk jaar een Jongerenreizen Impact Report. Lees meer over alle projecten en hun impact in het afgelopen jaar.
Maaltijden en accommodatie
Je gaat bij een gastgezin verblijven in Brasov. Zij verwelkomen je met open armen in hun eigen huis en delen hun gewoontes en cultuur met je. Dit is de beste manier om jezelf volledig onder te dompelen in de Roemeense cultuur en een unieke ervaring te beleven. Je kunt ook wonen in een gastenverblijf.
Tijdens onze Jongerenreizen proberen we ervoor te zorgen dat je een kamer deelt met minstens een andere vrijwilliger of stagiaire van hetzelfde geslacht en leeftijd. Jouw kamer is bescheiden maar comfortabel, proper en veilig.
De kostprijs van het project is inclusief drie maaltijden per dag.
Lees meer over onze accommodatie.
Veiligheid en ondersteuning
Jouw veiligheid heeft onze hoogste prioriteit. We hebben verschillende procedures opgezet zodat jouw ervaring in het buitenland zorgeloos en veilig verloopt. Onze Projects Abroad staff is 24/7 beschikbaar, zowel door de week als tijdens het weekend, om je te ondersteunen en begeleiden. Zij zorgen ervoor dat jij je altijd veilig en comfortabel voelt. Mocht je ergens tegenaan lopen, dan zijn ze altijd beschikbaar om je te helpen.
Lees meer over veiligheid en ondersteuning.
Meet the team in Romania
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