Rachel vertelt over haar ervaring als vrijwilliger op het verpleegkunde project in Ghana als onderdeel van haar opleiding verpleegkunde aan het Albeda College. Ze vertelt over haar ervaringen.

Let us tell you all you need to know about mangroves, why they are important and why you should care.

Help protect sea turtles by learning how to reduce plastic pollution in your daily life and get actively involved by volunteering on our Sea Turtle Conservation Project.

Increasing human invasion on terrestrial and freshwater habitats is causing a loss of biodiversity. Join Projects Abroad to help combat the destruction.

Find out more about the impact our volunteers and interns had over the course of 2018.

Projects Abroad's impact database and management plans ensures that our short term volunteer opportunities abroad can implement a long term impact

Our Conservation staff take you through the typical day of a Conservation volunteer in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, Peru.

Find out everything you need to know about how our Medicine High School Special Projects to help you prepare for a medical degree.
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