A group of volunteers abroad spend an afternoon learning about Masaai culture in Tanzania, Africa.


Artikelen over vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland, reizen en nieuws omtrent Projects Abroad
Joanne camping at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains

Door Joanna Glyde 12 maart 2014

Why I Took Two Gap Years And How They Shaped Who I Am Today
Adventure, economic living and Indiana Jones. Why I took two gap years, focused on travelling and volunteering, and how they shaped who I am today.
Elephants carry tourists through the forest during a trek in Nepal

Door Jemma Dicks 08 januari 2014

Elephant Rides: What I Wish I'd Known
Beatings, starvation and sleep deprivation. A few of the horrible facts I wish I’d known before booking an elephant ride in Thailand during my free time.
Volunteer travelling in a minibus

Door Jemma Dicks 24 oktober 2013

What To Do If You Lose Your Passport Abroad
About to start your volunteering experience abroad? Read this blog to find out what to do if you lose your passport abroad.

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