Our volunteers have come up with some incredibly creative and unique fundraising ideas to raise money for their volunteer trips - here's a selection of the best!
Big cats petting is a lucrative industry around the world. Chris Mercer, co-founder of CACH and Judi Gounaris, a Conservationist in Southern Africa share why not to pet wild cats.
Volunteering in Fiji is an unforgettable experience, read 10 fun facts about this Pacific Island before you jump on the plane.
Miserable living conditions and hushed-up attacks on humans. Is it time to kick swimming with dolphins off the bucket list?
Thinking of volunteering as a family? Read more about one mother’s 3 weeks in Sri Lanka volunteering with her son.
Adventure, economic living and Indiana Jones. Why I took two gap years, focused on travelling and volunteering, and how they shaped who I am today.
Beatings, starvation and sleep deprivation. A few of the horrible facts I wish I’d known before booking an elephant ride in Thailand during my free time.
About to start your volunteering experience abroad? Read this blog to find out what to do if you lose your passport abroad.
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